Project Description
We are here to help you realize your project objectives and improve lives.
Kikwetu Flowers Pack House
Project Description
B&L (ESL) was contracted by Symbion Architects (Project Architects) on behalf of Kikwetu Flowers Limited to undertake preliminary and detailed design of flower farm infrastructure comprising of the packhouse, drainage, access road, internal roads circulation, parking lots, and portable water reticulation system. The scope included structural design of the gatehouse, the canteen, perimeter wall and a retaining wall. B&L (ESL) was also required to conduct environmental impact assessment for the proposed development
Services Provided
- Review of existing architectural plans and layouts;
- Geotechnical and Topographical survey;
- Geometric and Pavement design of access road, driveway, parking lots;
- Design of portable water supply system including an elevated water storage tank;
- Drainage design;
- Design of waste water management system;
- Structural design of the packhouse, gatehouse, canteen building, perimeter wall and a retaining wall;
- Environmental impact assessment;
Project Details
Nanyuki, Kenya
Kikwetu Flowers
6 Months